Libraries4Future - Principles
1. libraries are actors in climate protection
We regard climate change as the most urgent societal and political challenge of our time. To protect the climate, libraries must address the resulting obligations and become actively engaged in the debate as significant players.
2. everyone can and must act
We commit to making our actions climate-conscious and resource-efficient and call upon all employees in libraries to do the same. We prompt our superiors and encourage everyone active in practical library work, training, and research to incorporate awareness of responsible, ecological sustainability into their everyday work!
3. libraries are multipliers
Libraries are places of education and information. We campaign to make knowledge and information about climate change and its consequences clearly visible. It is our task to face denial of climate change by providing facts, educational opportunities, as well as a platform for public discourse.
4. libraries strengthen social cohesion
The implementation of climate protection and ecological sustainability will only succeed worldwide if, in the spirit of the UN's Agenda 2030, no one is left behind. In this sense, we would like to contribute to libraries increasingly becoming places of democracy, stimulating social debate and strengthening social cohesion - for a future worth living for all people worldwide. The guiding principles of social exchange in libraries should be equality and non-discrimination.
5. politics is challenged
Together with “Fridays for Future”, we call upon holders of political office all over the world to commit to appropriate action to tackle the climate crisis.